What are Shamatha, Bodhichitta,
Tonglen, Riwo Sanchod and Heart Sutra Practice?
- Shamatha
Shamatha (calm abiding meditation) is a method for
pacifying the coarse, or perceptible, forms of disturbing emotions.This
practice applies to
everyone, from beginners to advanced practitioners.Our
experience proves that unhappiness and suffering are created only
by the mind and by our internal processes of over-thinking.
Thus, the remedy lies also in our mind; it depends wholly upon
meditating. When we learn meditation methods and put them into
practice, the result is that day by day, week by week, and
by month, our inner peace and happiness grows.
Gradually, through the energetic force of meditation,
countless positive qualities and changes arise within our
experience. This is because the true peace and happiness we
are found within us.
The Practice of Love and Compassion: The primary methods for developing
a loving and compassionate heart through specific meditation in which
we use the breath as a focal point. This compassionate wish is called
Bodhicitta in Sanskrit; bodhi means our enlightened essence, and citta
means heart. So we could translate it as "the heart of our enlightened
mind." To awaken and develop the heart of the enlightened mind is to
ripen steadily the seed of our buddha nature, that seed that in the
end, when our practice of compassion has become perfect and
all-embracing, will flower majestically into buddhahood. Bodhicitta,
then, is the spring and source and root of the entire spiritual
path"(The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, page 201). By developing
the noble intention to help others, every action of body and speech
will be inherently kind and helpful.
The Practice of Giving and Receiving:
In the practice, one visualizes taking onto oneself the suffering of
others on the in-breath, and on the out-breath giving happiness and
success to all sentient beings. "The voice of your ego may warn you
that Tonglen could "harm" you, but this is not true. The compassion
practices are designed to unravel the selfish patterning of the ego and
gradually reinforce your confidence in the radiant wisdom and
compassion of your true nature, which is indestructible. Tonglen is a
skillful training in a completely new way of being, in which you begin
to develop a limitless, fearless and unbiased compassion toward all
creation. One key to attaining enlightenment is to develop your
compassion so profoundly that you come to love and cherish all other
beings more than yourself."
Riwo Sanchod
is an introduction taken from Lhatsun Namki Jingme treasure revealed
and additional section by Kabyje Dujom Rinpoche. The Mountain of Smoke
offering is for the purpose of removing obstacles. For example it is
applicable to offer in an effort to remove obstacles such as hunger,
war, or natural disasters. It is used to purify negativity, practice
generosity, and bring about peace. It can be used to help those with
difficulty sleeping and to bring prosperity to your family and into
your community. This includes the Eight Noble Aspirations written by
Jamgon Mipham Rinpoche and a prayer for invocation and aspiration to
Guru Rinpoche." (Written by Ven. Lopon Osel April 23, 2011).
The Heart Sutra
is the
quintessence of
Shakyamuni Buddha's teachings on the way things are, clearly
elucidating how the nature of all phenomena is
emptiness. This is an extremely profound text because it contains all
the key points of explanation found in the sutras regarding the true
nature of phenomena. Receiving this teaching is a truly rare and
precious opportunity, as the Buddha himself stated, "The recipient of
teachings on the Heart Sutra obtains the benefits and qualities of
having received teachings on all sutras on emptiness." This is a
spiritual journey of heart-mind that examines phenomenal perceptions of
the outer world and inner aspects of our very being.